Why the LOA may not be working for you: clearing the crud

“Clearing the crud” is absolutely essential in getting Universal Law to work for your better good.

Negativity. Worry. Expectations of lack (subconscious or otherwise), despite wishing for abundance. These are things the Universe detects and responds to. Remember; you get what you think, you get what you feel. The Universe doesn’t respond to desperate wishes, but to thought vibrations, thought frequency. You need to aim high.


Catching yourself in negative and stressful thought processes is a big job, but someone’s gotta do it! Some of us speak our thoughts aloud and have significant others to catch us and turn us around, but most don’t. It is your personal responsibility to develop self-awareness. When you’re trying to manifest a sweet lover, wishing for several outstanding traits in said lover, but at the back of your mind you feel you don’t deserve to be treated in a loving manner – and that’s your typical and frequent vibration – it really sort of screws you. You may have small breakthroughs, attracting sweet lovers for a short time, but your main thought process of “I don’t deserve this” will catch up and take that lover or that sweetness back out of your life.


Same with money. You say you want large sums of cash, you do your rituals with your lucky crystals for extra oomph, you do some visualization of large bills flowing into your pockets by the boatloads, and you’re off to a good start. But then your sneaky ol’ subconscious rattles your cage with, “Where the heck is all that money going to come from? You’re going to have to work your ass off! This is all fantasy… keep wishing, sucka.” See what happened there? You’re trying, indeed, but when you allow the doubt to seep in and take over, well, that throws a big speed bump in your path. If you REALLY don’t feel you deserve large amounts of money and your mind is fighting you all the way, you may even backslide and go into deeper debt.


How do we get past this stuff? Practice. Not impatience (I see this a lot!), but practice. You’re not expected to be an automatic expert at Law of Attraction; You train yourself. Athletes need training (and use visualization!). New hires need training. Babies need training. Dogs need training. To get really good at something, you need training. It’s a process, not an automatic… hear me? You can do this! Be patient. Be persistent. Notice your thoughts several times per day, and when you catch yourself in negativity, feelings of lack, feelings of worry or desperation, stop it. Just stop it. Practice turning those thoughts around. When you feel lack, close your eyes and imagine abundance, and really feel it. When you feel undeserving of love, close your eyes and do your damnedest to feel love! Sheesh… use the Universe Catalog to send yourself some love!


There are SO MANY books out there that can teach you how to train yourself into a positive mindset, and not all are LOA books, but I recommend looking into LOA books first and foremost because they’ll ALL contain puzzle pieces that will lead to your understanding of the mind-training process. My favorite so far (and you can find it in the Books & Cards section of this website) is Bob Doyle’s Follow Your Passion, Find Your Power: Everything You Need to Know About the Law of Attraction.


Use the Force, Luke. You’ve got this.

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