You are electric.

Do you want proof that you are made of energy? Would that help you believe in your oneness with Universal Energy?


I’m not a scientist, but I don’t need to be a scientist to know that I am electric. There are several easy ways to feel, hear, and see your energy.


  1. I have a heartbeat. What makes my heart beat? Electrical impulses from my brain. A big Thank You to my central nervous system!
  2. I think. What makes me have thoughts? Electrical impulses from my brain. That means every single one of my thoughts is made of energy.
  3. Tinnitus. At all times I can hear some kind of ringing or buzzing in my ears, sometimes soft, other times loud, depending upon what tension I hold in my neck, jaw, shoulders, etc. Also depending upon what loud things I’ve been around. That buzzing is the sound of energy.
  4. I can feel buzzing in my extremities. This is very faint, but it’s always been there, and the buzzing is energy. If my arm or leg “falls asleep”, it’s because I’ve somehow put pressure on a nerve and have pinched off my electrical supply. When I relieve that pressure, electric energy goes flooding back into my arm or leg causing the maddening sensation of “pins and needles”. Again, electricity or energy.

Many of us have a hard time believing that we have any power at all. If you think of your power in the literal energy or electric sense of the word, you’ve obviously got plenty!

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