50 Ways to Raise Your Vibes

1) Visualization!

The last time I was feeling a little low-vibe, I shut my eyes and let good things happen. I didn’t force it, I just let it flow. It went something like this: First I was playing with chickens, then I had people around helping me care for the chickens, and I realized these people were my friends as well as helpers on my small farm (someday soon!). I was then transported to an evening scene, laying on blankets by a lake. There were a lot of happy people around and picnics galore. As the sun drifted down, fireflies began to twinkle, to the delight of both kids and adults, and then the fireworks started! Apparently I was in a country or small town setting on the 4th of July, and everyone around was joyous. I had a mini horse with me, which was odd, but fun… my pet. It pooped near the blanket and I scrunched up my face as I held his and I baby-talked him… “Eeeew… did you make poopies??” With a feeling of amusement at my pet. Now all of that just flowed out of nowhere! It’s that easy! Just shut your eyes and think of what would make you feel wonderful right now, then let go and let the scenes just flow! You’ll notice while your imagination is letting happy things happen to you that you have a smile on your face, even if you didn’t start out with one. By the time you open your eyes again you’ll be grinning like a dang fool! Try it out now… right this very minute. Just for a few minutes. Enjoy!

2) Forgive.

3) Live in the present moment.

4) Be a believer. Have faith in something. Anything.

5) Be aware of your emotions and guide yourself gently.

6) Listen to your gut.

7) Earthing or Grounding.

8) Laugh your butt off.

9) Keep it clean. Your living areas, I mean.

10) Love an animal.

11) Be compassionate.

12) Practice hardcore gratitude.

13) Tithing.

14) Move your body. Exercise. MovNat (Move Naturally). One-person dance party!

15) Tai Chi, Yoga, or make up your own poses and movements.

16) Chant! Sing!

17) Paint, sculpt, sew, build, create stuff.

18) Get outdoors!

19) Listen to water. Install a fountain or water feature. Or soak or swim in it. My greatest pleasure is floating in a warm lazy river pool.

20) Care for goldfish. The Chinese word for fish, yù, also means “abundance” or “surplus”. Goldfish also symbolize an abundance of gold. Learn how to take care of them first. Contrary to popular belief, goldfish do not thrive – or live for very long in – a fishbowl.

21) Pare down. Declutter. Konmari. Consider Feng Shui.

22) Eat healthy! Notice how you feel after a carb crash? Low. And you remain more stable or even feel lighter after eating a pile of low-carb vegetables and healthy meats? Yep. High.

23) Don’t dwell on negative thoughts. Total vibe-buster. Let them roll away.

24) Tend to your emotions. Like a garden. And speaking of gardens…

25) Do some gardening.

26) Eat healthy. Eat from your garden.

27) Let go of the past. It’s gone.

28) Get silly.

29) Get some Zzzzz’s

30) Mediate.

31) Build an altar. To whatever you want.

32) Burn sage.

33) Sniff some citrus. I keep a grapefruit next to my bed so I can smell it in the morning. It’s so nice.

34) Affirmations.

Personally, affirmations make me feel corny, in a “Daily Affirmations with Stuart Smalley” kind of a way. There are ways to get around this. Instead of saying, “I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and doggone it, people like me!” You can say, “I am freakin’ FIERCE!” Invoke Chip Gaines (Fixer Upper).

35) Give genuine compliments.

36) Find Your tribe. Do a social inventory.

37) Be courteous.

38) Get pampered!

No, I’m not talking about putting on diapers here… but if that’s your thing? Whatever floats your boat. Take your mom out for a pedicure. Get a massage. Get your chakras cleansed with a reiki session.

38) Color therapy. Avoid yellow in places where people gather, as it can induce frustration or anger.

39) Keep plants.

40) Rockhound.

41) Crystals & Gemstones. High vibe objects. Selenite vibrates so intensely that you might be able to feel it in your hand. Peacock copper or peacock ore is colorful, a color for each of your chakras. Wear it on a necklace.

42) A Flat You. You know Flat Stanley? Make a Flat You! You want to experience autumn colors, but live in the desert? Mail yourself to a friend who lives where the trees turn vibrant shades of orange, yellow and red. Have them send you a photo of You amongst the beauty! Bonus if they make a little sweater for you.

43) Aromatherapy. Just be aware of what essential oils may affect your pets health, as not all things that are great for hoomans (animal word for human) are great for pets.

44) Appreciate the beauty of something. Be it a peacock feather or a  pool at night.

45) Hoot!

Your neighbors will think you’re batchit bonkers, but if you do it right, they won’t know it’s you! We have owls that visit the trees around our home every so often, and they enjoy a good conversation. They hoot, I hoot back, they respond. It can go on for a good long time. If you can imitate them exactly… a deep, throaty, guttural “Ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh…”… you produce a sound that makes a wonderful-feeling deep vibration in your upper chest, both relaxing and energizing.

46) If you do get questioned by your neighbors, show them this book and blame the crazy on me!

47) Drumming.

48) Listen Up! Favorite music, favorite sounds, really listen deeply.

49) Drink Up! Clean, clear water for the win. But don’t limit yourself. Teas are great, as are low-sugar probiotic beverages.

50) Leave love notes, good fortunes, a coin taped to paper for people to find.

51) Marimo moss balls. Adopt them, care for them, grow them.

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